Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Traveller's Memory Clock

This is one of our exhibition pieces, a beautiful upcycled pocket-watch piece:

Here is the story behind the piece:

Lord Percy Higgsworth Walthus, eccentric American entrepreneur and intrepid traveller, sold his successful business at age 42 and squandered his fortune on an airship. He proceeded to embark on an ongoing quest to see all the most exciting sites the world had to occur.

Lord Walthus developed his 'Travellers Memory-clock' over his years of international exursions, to record memories of the places he visited. He was often seen wandering around famous sites holding this pocket-watch like device in his hand. However, Lord Walthus disappeared in a dramatic and mysterious incident on his 66th birthday, while skiing down the side of an Icelandic volcano. His Memory-Clock was later found by mountaineers, at the summit. However, no-where in Walthus'journals is there any description of how the device is to be used, or how memories can be retrieved.
Great mystery therefore surrounds the device, and the multitudinous wonderous experiences that we must assume remain hidden within.

Exhibition in Oamaru

The rocking 'League of Victorian Imagineers' is going full steam at the moment... and have created an awesome steampunk art exhibition we are proud to be part of. Romance Rewound has SIX special items entered, each with a unique steampunk 'history' written about it.

Here is a picture of our pieces, displayed 'all fancy-like' in the Forrester gallery.

We are also EXCITED to announce that Romance Rewound will have a stall at the Victorian fete in Oamaru, on Sunday November 21st! Will have a table brimming with shiny trinkets... hope to see you there!