Saturday, April 9, 2011

A tour of our lair

We have been doing a lot of steampunking lately! So while we are working madly away on producing some new pretties, we thought we would give you a little tour of the madness that is our workspace. A chaos of clockwork and cogs... a mayhem of metal and miniatures... a hurricane of chain and beads and pliers and tweasers and buttons and wire and leather and hooks and clasps and charms and gems and .... well, you get the point!

Some of the TINY parts we use:

An exciting treasure trove of parts:

Charms and chains(in the pink boxes we use for storage!):

Thursday, March 24, 2011


This week Romance Rewound has all gears whirring!

We have items for sale, for the first time, on Etsy:

And another set of treasures selling on Trademe:

We have also had an exciting week unwrapping the numerous parcels that are arriving for us, from all over the world, after we had a big online shop for parts and materials.

We are also working with the esteemed 'Salisbury Boutique' to create a window installation using some of our more dramatic art pieces, for the period of Dunedin's iD fashion week. Stay tuned as Romance Rewound spreads it's wings!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We find ourselves, unaccountably, overstocked with rings! We are therefore pleased to announce a one-off Romance Rewound ring sale, which begins, well.... right now!

Please check out our Trademe listings HERE, as we have twelve beautiful, unique steampunk rings listed. Each different, each a precious piece of history and art combined.

If you are outside New Zealand, and interested in buying a ring or another piece, you are always most welcome to contact us

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thieves Alley Market

Firstly, our heartfelt thanks to all of those who visited our stall at the market. We had a great time chatting with you, sharing our jewellery and our passion. We were pretty lucky with the weather, and the sales, and a good time was had by all!

Below are some tidbits for those who missed seeing our work on Saturday. These are some of the lovely treasures which found homes:

You can CLICK to enlarge any of these photos. And here are a couple of pieces that are still available:

Please contact us (email: if you are interested in these, or other pieces.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Upcoming adventures

We are currently preparing excitedly for Dunedin's biggest market event of the year... the Thieves Alley markets! On Saturday 12th Feb the central city will be swamped with festivities, and we are happy to have a stall for our steampunk jewellery in the Octagon, just up from the Regent Theatre.

We are preparing lots of new pieces for the occassion... expect some antique engraved clockwork parts, large pocket-watched sized pieces, unique square timepieces, and some high-quality filigree rings in a variety of metal-tones. Hope to see you all there!